NewsFlash: Liebester Award

The nomination is great. It’s a great pat on the back and I like that. – Jeff Bridges



Imagine my surprise to find out that I had been nominated for the Liebester Award from two fellow bloggers which I humbly accept. Annabel over at The Chocolate Teapot blog and Maria at Maria Brinkley blog. Please take the time to check out both their amazing blogs each different and unique within their own right by clicking the direct link to their pages via their blog titles.





The Liebster award is aimed at bringing the blogging community together.  It is awarded to blogs that have supported new and aspiring bloggers with the hopes of gaining further insights into the blogging community.

Now to the juicy part so basically along with the award comes a set of guidelines in accordance with the award which are as follows:

  • Post the award on your blog 
  • Thank the blogger who presented the award to you and link back to their blog
  • Share eleven things about yourself
  • Answer the eleven questions given to you by the person that nominated you
  • Choose eleven more people, and ask them eleven questions.

Hmm sounds easy enough so here it goes here are eleven facts about me:

  1. My Children, Family and friends are important to me.
  2. I’m so laid back that I’m practically lying down.
  3. I’m a Thinker.
  4. I always look for the best in others.
  5. I love reading and writing probably stemming from my curiosity of things.
  6. I have a passion for fashion illustration which you probably can tell from reading my blog 🙂
  7. I enjoy the quirky haunts of Markets as there are so much hidden treasures to be found!
  8. I have been to Prague, France, Canada and Jamaica so have an interest in travel. I would love to visit Hong Kong sometime in the future.
  9. I would be lost without my mobile…
  10. I would love to get married one day though I always tell people I don’t
  11. I have a lot of dreams and aspirations that I intend to conquer by the end of the year – So watch this space!

Phew! So with that out the way I am now going to answer eleven questions taken from both Annabel and Maria.

1. What has been your favourite post to write so far?

So far my favourite post to write has been pretty much all of them. Each have had equal sweat spent on them though some posts have come much more easier to me than others. If I had to choose it would be:

The Time Machine

Simply because it was the hardest post I have written due to the rather limited word count that was a part of the writing challenge.

 2. If you were stranded on a desert island and could pick one person to have with you, who would it be?

Well this one is a no brainer. It would definitely have to be my son and baby bump of course.

3. If you could choose to be any animal, what would you be?

I think I would opt to be a phoenix taken from Greek mythology simply based upon its symbolism.

4. Favourite book?

My favourite book would have to be ’48 Laws of Power’ by Robert Greene.

5. If you didn’t write, what would fill the gap?

Well besides the fact I have two full-time jobs already first being within the NHS and second being a mother. I guess I would take up a new challenge or experience that I had always wanted to do but never actually had time to. Sorry can’t expand further lol

6. If you had one wish, what would you wish for?

I would wish for ten more wishes 😉

7. What is your dream job?

I would say to be a Cardiac Physiologist. Hopefully that dream will be fulfilled sometime in the future.

8. What is your least liked housework chore?

Washing dishes. Slowly becoming one of my pet-peeves.

9. What is your oldest childhood toy that you still own?

Is it sad that I don’t actually have any???

10. Which food do you like best?

Not to be biased but I would to say Caribbean food. With Chinese as a close second.

11. What is your greatest achievement?

My greatest achievement is all my achievements. Each one has been noteworthy in my eyes.


Here are my nominations for the Liebester Award:

Jodie, Wandering Poet, Litadoolan, Viewsplash, SheladyanneMardhiah, Grace, Sarah, Stephanie, Kelley

* Apologies to those who have been blogging for yonks and have probably already received this award before.

My eleven questions are: 

1. Why did you start blogging?

2. What motivates you?

3. what is your biggest pet-peeve?

4. What type of music do you listen to?

5. Who would you most like to be stuck in an Lift (elevator) with?

6. If you could be any age for a week, what age would that be?

7. What is your dream job?

8. What is one guilty pleasure you enjoy too much to give up?

9. If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to?

10. What is your favourite food?

11. Where do you see yourself in five years time?

I look forward to reading your responses so please comment on this post with a link to your own post so I can see how you answered.

*pumps fist in the air* Can’t believe I finally finished this post. 🙂




9 thoughts on “NewsFlash: Liebester Award

  1. Naomi your blog is stunningly beautiful. I am in awe of your delicious posts that inspire creativity. Well done on your award and congratulations on having such a stylish blog. It is great to find out more about you. and I look forward to reading more of your posts. It may take me a while to respond as I want to read more of your blog!


    • Hi thank you so much for your kind words. You have a great blog which is why I have nominated you and I look forward to reading your response to your Liebester Award.

      – Naomi.


  2. Congrats on getting nominated twice! 😊 I laughed about washing dishes! My back always seems to ache when I wash dishes! Or is that just an excuse?

    You will love Hong Kong when you get there. People in shops speak English and it is easy to get around. There is a multitude of cafés and restaurants everywhere and the menus often have pictures of the food. I tried the salted chicken – yum – and roast goose. (Cantonese specialty!)


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