


“I write to give myself strength. I write to be the characters that I am not. I write to explore all the things I’m afraid of. ” 
― Joss Whedon



Before I start I would just like to thank you in advance for taking time out to view my blog it means a lot and encourages me to continue blogging which I love!

I originally started this blog because I saw it as a healthy platform towards healing myself and I had hoped that by sharing my thoughts, feelings and journey towards becoming well having previously suffered from mild depression that I could help others.

My blog has since evolved from when I first started it and I now cover a myriad of topics.

Essentially I blog because I like the idea of being able to have my voice published on a platform for others. A place where I can whisk the thoughts and feelings that clutter my mind. But moreover because I love writing. Plain and simple.

Right now 2014 I am feeling fantastic and have encountered a number of positive changes within my life and will continue as often as I can to keep writing about things that I feel passionate about and hope you will continue to come back to see what new posts I have written.


24 thoughts on “About

    • Hi Jean thanks for your comment. I get my images from google and then link the image back to the source from where I got it. I’m actually glad you asked as it gave me something to think about so I included it in my disclaimer. You have a great blog by the way 🙂

      – Naomi


  1. Thanks Naomi, you have a great blog too! Really inspiring, a cardiac physiologist – wow, it’s people like you that make a difference 🙂 look forward to reading more xo


  2. how are you Electicfemale!
    first of all, i would like to commend you for choosing the prefect theme for your blog,
    i just love everything about it from the design to it’s font.
    for sure, not only me but a lot of bloggers are looking forward to read your future post.
    keep on blogging!


  3. Hello again! I still like the spun theme but changed back to my old theme as the comments box appears below my post. There is so much to think about when changing themes! I enjoy your writing. Cheers.


    • I noticed that. I really like the theme myself but I have been contemplating changing again due to the fact that the theme doesn’t accommodate widgets which I think can be useful. There’s so much to choose from that you’re rather spoilt for choice. Thank you 🙂


      • Yes, Spun has a great look but there are other considerations, too. This theme changing can be a real headache! I think I need to set aside a LOT of time if I want to consider theme changing.

        Good luck! Still think you blog looks good though!


  4. Your blog is beautiful and uplifting. I always discover something new each time I visit. You are richly talented Naomi and I wish you bags of success! Looking forward to enjoying lots more of your honestly optimistic posts.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Naomi,,

    It’s a pleasure to hear that blogging brings you so much joy into your life. I enjoyed reading your fifty word story, “The Time Machine.” I love time travel movies, stories, books, you name it, if it’s time travel, then I’m all in.

    Tomorrow will be my first official post, you’re invited to come and share in the fun. Please feel free to spread the word, the more the merrier, hope you can make it.



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